Monday, June 1, 2009


When you face a challenge, do you see difficulty or you see opportunity?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


It funny about Sunday. I use to like it, but up to recently I hate it as much as Garfield hates Monday.

I wake up just like any other non working day (that's Saturday left =.=), play some game, have a nice lunch, then either meet up with friends or catch a movie or just do nothing at home. When night comes it just reminds me that I'll need to work hard for another 5 days starting after the next 12 hours, and all these little flash back about the 'Korean Drama' we use to have at work or the 'Idostun Comedy' we use to argue during lunch will give me the feeling of "ohh no, here it comes again".

Its a mix feeling. Some part of me would love it to continue; the other part of me just feel lazy. The part that says "hey, its a challenge in your life. Lets face it and have fun" while the other part says " no la... give me a break przzz".

By the end of the day, I think I'll accept it (what choice do I have -.-) and writing this down might help to find the missing part. The part that says "Hey its Sunday. Chill and do your best in the coming weeks". May be thats what I need :)


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rule 101

1. Life is to Explore, Learn, Enjoy and Share
2. Life is like a game. There are rules we will need to follow and there are challenges we need to face. Win big when you understand the concept of the game, win small when you follow the rules or lose when you don't understand whats happening.